Sunday, May 8, 2011

To my mom!!!!

Well I don't how it happened but it's been way too long since I've blogged.  (I guess I do know how. It's called the stomach virus, but you don't need those details.)

Today I have a special reason for blogging: MY MOM!
Here's my opportunity to thank my mother for how wonderful she is.  She has shaped my life in more ways than can be described and deserves so much more than a few words on a blog. 

To the woman who put up with me through childhood and teenage years.  And let me tell you I was not an easy kid to live with.  I fought her tooth and nail on every rule she set forth.  I pushed the limits with everything from skirt lengths to dating. And yet she loved me still. She stood firm and taught me the value of respecting myself, those around me, and those who are in authority over me. She taught me everything I would need to know about being a strong woman. How to stand up for myself, how to make it on my own, and how to value myself.  She taught me what I needed to know to be a good mom.  She taught me how to show love to my children so that it isn't just something I say. She taught me the value of discipline. I learned that while they are kids it's ok for them to dislike me because they will love me all the more when they are adults who understand how I protected and loved them no matter how much they hated my rules.  She taught me how to show compassion and tenderness when my kids need it and how to be firm when it's called for.

But most importantly my mom taught me that she loves me through it all and that she will always be my mother.  And I love her!!